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Sunday, March 2, 2014, 5:18 PM
Didn't expect myself to write this. But I am just wasting time away trying to recover. Honestly, reading people's experiences helped. But they're not what I expected?

Didn't think it was this bad. Because I couldn't breathe. Especially the first night. And I had chest pains and heart palpitations.

The second. Night I managed to get a good 4-5hours long rest. Surprisingly.

Day 3 was bad. I couldn't breathe due to my congested nose yet again.

I'm not exactly on pain medicine anyway, it's tolerable. I just hate feeling like I'm at the brink of death when I can't breathe.

Today is the fourth day and I hope time passes by faster!

I had braces on only 1 day prior to the surgery. Immediately after the surgery I could feel like almost 100% of my entire lower jaw. Whereas my upper jaw... I only managed to  regain like probably 50% of the sensation. Below my eyes.

Yeah really hope I'll recover soon.

Sunday, February 9, 2014, 4:06 AM
Oh hai... I've been consumed by happiness a.k.a him, so much so, i don't blog anymore.

It's 4am and for the past few hours, I have been making life-changing decisions. Yes, I'm in the midst of applying for universities. Just pondering over my choices, and honestly i seriously have no idea what i want to do. Perhaps a generic idea.

As long as I am able to get into any local Us, i'll be fine. (Society's idea of success for a student, no?)

Hopefully, I'll be able to get into any course. Though, i would prefer to go into a course that i desire, i can't expect much with my mediocre gpa and shitty O levels score (didn't expect it to come back haunt me after 3 years). Now i wish i had studied a little harder in poly. I gave like only 60% in poly. argh.

Imma pray hard that I'll get into a local U. :/

Gonna sleep now. Good night.

Saturday, November 9, 2013, 12:29 PM
Like whut. Can't believe I actually got so upset with a guy that treated me like filth last time. It's so embarrassing, i reverted all of them to drafts.

I'm glad the nightmare is over. The past one year has been surreal, falling hopelessly for a monster. Blinded even though i knew it was not right. Now, I need not be insecure about myself, subject myself to abuse. I was blinded. Wanted to wish you the best, BUT i certainly don't hope that some girl gets treated the way you treated me. so no.

Cant explain how lucky i am to have met my current boyfriend. More than i can ever wish for. I found someone who truly cares for me, respects me, and treats me well. I see myself being together with him for a long time.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 4:06 AM
okay, gonna write about my amsterdam trip BUT then again, whatever you do in amsterdam is so controversial. (Amsterdam's tourist attractions mainly revolves around sex and drugs). that's the whole point, we don't get to experience this in Singapore. Even though the use of drugs and prostitution is so rampant over there, it's relatively safe.

 i bet people will judge me for it or maybe my future employers will dig up all these archives and find a reason to not employ me. ok, sounds far-fetched.

so all in all, i did whatever a typical tourist would do in amsterdam. Had a whole apartment to ourselves in the centraal area. Pretty pricey but well, there was plenty of alcohol, PS2, poker chips, sheesha, drinks etc. the apartment looked like it haven't been cleaned in ages though. So meh.

everything is so pricey in netherlands. :( Had the BEST food in amsterdam so far. Wok to Walk noodlebox and authentic korean BBQ. Visited the countryside (Volendam etc) for windmills, cheese and clog factory, fishing village, keukenhof (annual flower show). The windmills are so pretty, love it. Passed by some residential area along the way, i love the interior design for their cottages. Seems like the Dutch people put loads of effort into designing their houses. Oh, i probably saw more than 100 cows. HAHA i have no idea actually but this is the first time i saw that much cows.

I LOVE NETHERLANDS. Hehe my fave country thus far, surpassing UK. :)

Switzerland in 4 days. haha i sound like a nomad.

I'm so busy, i barely have time to watch shows. Spent the entire day shopping for groceries, cooking, doing laundry, cleaning up my room thoroughly. School's from 9 to 4.30pm. Not what i envisioned back then in singapore: doing chores here and school for nearly an entire day

I even have to clean my own toilet bowl. :( I really applaud and appreciate my mum even more for always being the one to clean up the entire house. Maybe i could share her burden when i go home. hehe.

I only clean my room once or twice a year.at home. In germany i clean it 1-2 times every week. Oh the irony. .__.

While i was in amsterdam, this acquaintance WA me to buy him something from amsterdam. Notice i said acquaintance...i'm not even close to him at all. "get me something there haha" I spent every cent i had already, so i told him politely, i couldnt get him something from amsterdam.  i could, however, get him something from germany.

then he asked me for a german girl's number. WHAT THE HELL? i said no duh. Decided to end the convo with a yeah. he asked " why no babe?" HELL TO THE NO. period.

you disgust me utterly. firstly, as aforementioned, we're merely acquaintance. secondly, you're impolite, and you think too highly of yourself. so what if you get the german girl's number and why the hell should i call you babe. if i should get anyone anything, too bad you're not on my priority list.

then he followed me on instagram. creepy. not the first encounter, even tricia had a weird encounter with him last year.

i wonder if i put on weight.... one thing i know for sure...i can carry heavier weights. LOL. no joke everyday carry laundry, luggage, groceries.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013, 6:08 AM
lololol. packed for amsterdam already. 1.5days more. i'm excited but the reason why i packed my bag is cos' i hope i can have more time to study before leaving. i think i'm screwed for the stupid finance exam. yes i'm going to amsterdam before my exam. and 80% of the time, i subconsciously drift off and think of someone, mostly.

it's totally not because i don't want to pay attention, its because the lessons here are audio-ish. in sg, learning is based on a more visual way... so i either fall asleep in class or i could pretend to pay attention and drift off. -.-'' the latter is better, well at least, i can grasp some stuff sometimes.

oh i wanna go ibiza/majorca. HAHAHA. must at least party in a spanish island once in my life.

if i have spare cash (most likely not), i might go skydiving in italy. Maybe. (i don't think so) it's like throwing your money from the sky. -_____-'' but i really wanna skydive.

if only i'm well-off....... :(

sometimes, you don't know if you miss the person or the memories, or maybe both...

Monday, May 6, 2013, 4:47 AM
Had a mini celebration for Gillot's birthday.

Had korean BBQ for dinner with the korean girls. awesome. haha i love them man, they are so hilarious. makes korea one of my destinations in the future.

In a super good mood recently. and i don't exactly miss singapore now. if I have another chance to study abroad for a short period, i would, totally. I get to meet so many amazing friends, see the world...

if i have all the money in the world, i'd totally go crazy here.

I guess being here makes everything about you easier to forget. i'd say i'm doing better each day, cos' i don't really have the time to think of you. besides, you're right, we're incompatible and mismatched in every way possible. Now i feel stupid to have given my all to you, when all i get is nothing in return.

about 3 more days to amsterdam. hell yeah. :D party????? haha

oops time to do my homework.

it's almost 1am now and .... ok fuck it. i still love you, i do. although i say i hate you.

Sunday, May 5, 2013, 6:44 AM
Life recently has been pretty hectic, i would say. I'm either at school, travelling or doing household chores. or planning trips. i sleep for barely 6/7 hours most days.

most weekends i'm out travelling and school is practically 9 to 5. yessss and i hate having to wake up on time to go to school. ( i can't skip school here) I'm taking accounting and finance module this week. damn, it leans towards finance and i only took basic business finance in sg. -_____- oh god those terminologies, investopedia might be my new bff.

Okay, went to heidelberg just this morning. love it! Took a tram up the Schloss (castle) and to the peak of the mountain. Nothing much to do there other than sightseeing. it's a pretty, scenic place with lots of cute, intricate ornaments. so tempted to get them, thank god i didnt. merely got a beer glass filled with beer gummy-bears and some gifts for friends. And the reason why i managed to limit my spending is because i'm going to Amsterdam in 4 days.

HAHAHA. super excited. Think of the red-light district, and other stuff which i shall not mention here lest i get judged. Don't get me wrong. The reason why i'm especially excited about going to amsterdam is because whatever you do/see in there, you don't get to do/see in sg. Seriously. I love how sg is so damn safe but sometimes it's fun to do crazy things at least once in your life. for the thrill of it.

And the week after, I'm going to Swiss. No idea where. but most probably skiing at the alps (Zermatt)...because it's probably the only skiing resort that is open right now. le sigh.

The amsterdam trip is already damn costly. I have no idea how i'm gonna pay for my Swiss trip. probably gonna have to loan from someone for a few weeks first. i hate it but i have no other options. can't forgo either.

Subsequently, we'll go Europa Park (second most popular theme park in europe, cant wait for the roller coaster rides :D) and Lake Constance on the weekends. Austria, Czech Rep, Spain, Italy, France. OMG, the expenses. @_@ Holy.

Let's see where i've been to thus far...
Bad Mergentheim, Germany
Wurzburg, Germany
Wertheim, Germany (only went shopping there though... :) )
Stuttgart, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Hamburg, Germany
Heidelberg, Germany
Munich, Germany
London, UK
Manchester, UK

Ok la not bad....the hole on my pocket is expanding at the same time. -___-''

Tuesday, April 30, 2013, 7:33 AM
back home safely. haha i don't mean singapore.

The trip to Munich, London and Manchester has been exhilarating, but at the same time, i'm super exhausted already. good to be back "home". I'd thought i'd sweep out stores like Topshop, River island, etc. Didn't have the time, neither do i have the money. They are not very much cheaper either. Spent most of the time in Primark. Seriously, i doubt you can even find things as cheap as Primark in sg. Wish i had more baggage space. budget airline damn niao. -_____-''

School tomorrow. I'm gonna sleep now bye.

Monday, April 29, 2013, 6:50 AM
Had wanted to write a diary of this entire trip, but well, I was to lazy/preoccupied/busy. And since my friends are documenting their day to day lives here....I figured I should stop procrastinating too. Maybe once in awhile is fine.

Okay....shall Rewind back to the day we left for Stuttgart, which is on 21 April. The entire trip was kind of boring. Most of the time while the tour guide was talking, I was looking at a flock of pigeons/ducks. And we went to the Mercedes Benz museum, which didn't really impress me much so to say. Haha yah, that basically sums it up.

Thereafter, we left for Munchen. The next morning, we went to the city centre where the gothic Rathaus was located at. It is breathtaking. Whilst waiting for the clock to strike 11 so that there would be some like musical box-ish display on the building, we spotted Barcelona's coaching team and got a picture with them. Awesome. Did a little shopping and basked in the atmosphere (before a soccer match). At last, we went to bayern munchen's stadium to hear the match. And we left after the first goal. The crowd was massive and the atmosphere was terrific. (I may want consider a good live soccer match as one of my lifetime goals)

Left for London the next morning. Well, the operating hours of shops in Europe are generally very short, so we couldn't do much that day. Sightseeing on the following day - London bridge, tower bridge, London bridge experience (had so much fun), Westminster abbey, Big Ben, Buckingham palace. (If there is more I can't remember)

Arsenal stadium the next morning, damn impressed. they are technologically savvy. did some last minute shopping at primark. Nearly went crazy, the prices are so affordable. It was chaotic. Went to other high street labels and got some stuff as well.

On Saturday morning, we went to Westfield mall for like half an hour. Proved to be an unwise decision. Had to rush to the train station to catch the train to Manchester Piccadilly. The amazing race. Close enough. My 34 pounds nearly went down the drain. Had buffet for dinner.

Went to Manchester stadium the next morning. I'd thought Man U would impress me more than arsenal did. Sad to say that's not the case. The tour was crappy, we didn't have much leisure time, and it's kind of old. Buffet next. This was much better than the one we had the day before. It's a Sunday and we didn't know shops would close this early. Couldn't shop.

Tomorrow I am gonna go to primark and Arndale shopping centre. And shop in a record time of 3 hours before we fly back to Germany. School starts on Tuesday. Nooooo.

Ok that concludes the entire trip. By far the best, as compared to Berlin+hamburg. There's much more to do in London. My favourite place so far regardless whether its sightseeing or shopping. Oh btw, the air here in London is kind of polluted. My nose mucus is black. Not just me. Probably cos of the poor air circulation in the Tube, people smoking cigarettes/sheesha.

Truth to be told, I'm kind of homesick already. If only I could fly back to sg for a week and back here! I miss my life without you, my family and my bed. Hahaha. Can't seek comfort without a bed I can actually call mine

Friday, April 26, 2013, 7:27 AM
A little homesick already. :( It's been a month. And I have 2 and a half months to go. I love this place,  but I miss my family and my home.

It's getting better though I'm not sure if I can completely forget my feelings for you. Certain things still remind me of you, how I yearn to be back in your arms again.